AWARDS of the YL International Single Sideband System
Please Note:
• All Awards are currently undergoing a re-design. What you see on this page will differ from the graphics of the new award.
• Please anticipate up to 30 business days for a reward request to be acknowledged and or processed and emailed to you.
• Unless specifically indicated otherwise, all contacts for awards must be made with individual member stations. Multiple contacts with the same station will not qualify for the awards. PLEASE NOTE: As of July 9, 2022, there is no longer a $5 fee to apply for any Monthly or Special Day award.
Special Days
For the year 2025, the YLISSB has set aside special days each month to work for a special DAILY AWARD. There are also special MONTHLY AWARDS that are listed in the Awards Criteria. For the SPECIAL DAYS, the hunting is just for that day, but it can be obtained by working stations on System frequencies on different bands. For instance, if the award says January 21, you can work K4ICA on the 20 M System at any time on January 21, and you can also count K4ICA if you work it on the 40 M System. IF you complete all 12 Special Day awards for 2024, you will be given a special Award at the next convention. A special request goes out to those members holding the particular noted awards or honor required for obtaining the Special Day award. Please make an effort on those days to be on the System to help our fellow members qualify for the awards. K4ICA may count for more than one contact. Check the web page for final details.
January 21 – SNOWFLAKE AWARD Contact nine (9) members whose call signs contain one (1) letter S, N, O, W, F, L, A, K, and E. One contact for each letter. K4ICA will count as one (1) contact.
February 10 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY This is our Birthday. To complete this award a total of 12 contacts must be made with any of the following YLISSB Officers, Emeritus Council Members, or Committee Chairmen. These individuals can be found on our website under Leadership and Honorees. K4ICA will count for three (3) contacts
March 17– IRISH AWARD Contact ten (10) members whose sideband number ends with a “1” or a “7” or any Irish stations. Irish stations count for two (2) contacts. K4ICA counts as two (2) contacts and can be used (1) time.
April 10– AMBASSADOR AWARD Contact Ten (10) Ambassadors or Ambassadors Extraordinaire of the YLISSB. K4ICA will count as two (2) contacts. Because many of our Ambassadors also hold the honor Ambassador Extraordinaire, those members can only be used once. No duplicates will be allowed. List will be provided after January 1.
May 1 – MAY DAY AWARD Contact ten (10) members whose YLISSB numbers are below 17,000. K4ICA will count for two (2) contacts.
June 6 – JUNE CUATRO AWARD Contact five (5) members whose number ends with a four (4). K4ICA counts as one (1) contact.
July 9 – FIRST RESPONDERS AWARD Contact six (6) members as designated on Netlogger. K4ICA will count as one (1) contact.
August 9 – TFO DAY AWARD Contact ten (10) stations that have TFO numbers. K4ICA counts as one (1) contact.
September 19 – AUTUMN DAY AWARD Contact nine (9) members whose Sideband number ends in a nine (9) or a zero (0). K4ICA will count as 2 contacts. Only 1 contact per individual member will qualify for the award—example: if the contact is made on 20 meters, that station cannot be used on 40 meters. K4ICA will count as one (1) contact on both 20 and 40 meters.
October 6 – JACK-O-LANTERN AWARD Contact ten (10) members whose YLISSB number ends in a one (1) or three (3). K4ICA counts as one (1) contact.
November 12 – NOVEMBER LIBERTY AWARD Contact ten (10) members who are designated a Veteran on Netlogger. K4ICA will count as one (1) contact.
December 10 –SANTA AWARD Contact ten (10) members to spell Santa Claus using any letters from the call sign suffix and first name as it is shown on Netlogger. One contact for each letter. The contacts used for the Santa Award cannot be used on that day for the SANTA MONTHLY AWARD. K4ICA will count as one (1) contact.
Ambassador Corps Award
Issued for contacting 14 Ambassador Corps members plus one Ambassador Extraordinaire.
Click here to find out more.
Contact holders of the TFO Certificate, the TFO Trophy, or The Rigel Trophy. Click to find out more.
Autumn Award
This award is earned by working any 50 members during the Second and Third daily periods and ONLY during the months of September, October, and November. Click to find out more.
The initial award is issued for working a mix of YL / OM members with membership numbers ending with 00 through 99…
Click to find out more.
Eyeball Fellowship Award
Within a 12 month period, personally meet members of the System that live at least 50 miles from your home QTH. Click to find out more.

Louisiana Purchase Award
Contact member stations in each of 15 states or Canadian Territories.
Click to find out more.

Moonbeam Weekend Warrior Award
Within a 12 month period, contact 52 system member stations during the Weekend Warriors

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Palindrome Award
Issued for contacting 10 member stations whose callsign or YLISSB Number reads the same forward as backward. Click to find out more.
Issued to Daytime System, Sunrise Portion, Moonbeam, 40M East, and 40M West Control Stations, and their assistants for 100 hours as a Control Station. Click to find out more.
Spring Award
This award is earned by working any 50 members… Click to find out more.
Summer Award
This award is earned by working any 50 members beginning on during the System’s First and Second daily periods and ONLY during the months of June, July, and August.
Click to find out more.
TFO Certificate
Click to find out more.
USA 17 Meter WAS Award
This award is attained by working a member in all 50 of the United States on 17 meters. System.
Click to find out more.
USA 20 Meter WAS Award
Issued for working a member station in each of the 50 States on the System’s 20 meter frequency of 14.332 MHz. Click to find out more.
USA 40 Meter WAS Award
This award is attained by working a member in all 50 of the United States on 40 meters
Click to find out more.
WAS - Worked All States
This award is earned by working one (1) member in each of the 50 states for a total of 50 contacts.
Click to find out more.
This award is earned by working any 50 members ONLY during the months of December, January, and February.
Click here to find out more.
25 Year Certificate
Start date Your 25th Anniversary as a YLISSB System Member.
Click here to find out more.
50 Year Award
Start date Your 50th Anniversary as a YLISSB System.
Click to find out more.
Monthly Awards
January Snow Award
Click here to find out more.
Click here for more information.
Click here to find out more.
Click here to find out more.
May: Old Timer's Award
Click here to find out more.
June: Summer Solstice
Click here to find out more.
July Independence Award
Click here to find out more.
August: Summer Heat Award
Click here to find out more.
September: Autumn Eagle Award
Click here to find out more.
October: Halloween Award
Click here to find out more.
November Veteran's Award
Click here to find out more.
Santa Award
Click here to find out more.
Ambassador Extraordinaire
Click here to find out more.
Click here to find out more.
Click here to find out more.
Click here to find out more.
Silent Service Award
Click here to find out more.
TFO of the Year
Click here to find out more.
REV. 11-01-2015
- The Sidebander’s Award Program is an HONOR SYSTEM. This means, that as a member of the YLISSB, you are on your honor. When you say that you have met the requirements submitted on any application, that’s it!
QSL cards are NOT required – only log extracts. The minimum information required is Date, Time, Call Sign, Sideband Number, and Frequency. Additional information is acceptable, but not essential. A minimum signal report of 2 – 2 is required. If either number is a 1, it is not acceptable.
- Each award is administered by an Award Manager. Upon completion of your application, send it, and any fee, to the appropriate manager.
- Print as clearly as possible, so that there will be no question as to your meaning of an entry. PLEASE !!! use only one side of the paper and put your call on the top of each page.
- Make fees payable to the appropriate Award Manager.
- Award Managers will NOT facilitate any request requiring research of prior certificates, or numbers. Once issued, it is also each member’s own responsibility to maintain records for future application of awards requiring the submission of certificate dates, and numbers – such as the Pegasus.
- ALL Awards – may be completed on any band or combination of bands during regular session(s) of the YLISSB, unless the particular award requires that it be competed on a specific band or session of the YLISSB. A member station may be used only once for an award unless the award rules specifically state otherwise.
All awards may again be completed for almost any endorsement that you may desire. These may include all YL, all OM, all VW Beetle mobile, all XYL, or multi-band. The potential is virtually endless
- If you have earned a specific award for which your call sign should be listed in the annual copy of the VOICE, and your call is NOT listed, it is your responsibility to notify the respective award manager.
- After many changes of managers, over more than a 50-year history of our organization, things do get lost, or inadvertently missed. If you say you have a certificate, which is not listed, send the information to the current Award Coordinator, or the current President, for inclusion in the next issue of the Voice.
- The Pegasus award represents the level of achievement on the part of a member requiring a very significant effort. It takes 750 points, earned from a combined score of individual awards, and plaques, to qualify for “The Pegasus”. The number of points earned for each award are shown as a parenthetical notation immediately following each awards title.
SPECIAL NOTICE: (1) The African, Apex, Kangaroo and U.S. Presidents Awards are now discontinued.