May, 2019
May 1 is the deadline. April 20 was the deadline to book your hotel reservations to receive the discount. May 1 is the deadline for your registrations. If you have not gotten them in, do so now!
We are still looking for an assistant to help Bob, NC4RP with his position as Information Officer. If you are interested in assisting, please contact me at
For May, we have our Old Timers Award, 2019. Contact 30 Members with a membership number below 16,500 for this beautiful award during the month of May. Good luck!
Every once in a while, someone will unintentionally, or intentionally disrupt the System with QRM. How do we handle it? With tact and politeness. We do not attack the person, use foul language toward them, or in any other way attack them. We are known as the Friendliest group on the ham bands, and we strive to maintain that status. So, if you hear someone QRMing the system, it is permissible to politely ask them to QSY, explain that the System has been on the frequency for over 60 years. However, if they refuse to move, it is not permissible to chastise them in any way, especially using foul language. Our Controls are the best on the face of the earth, and we are very proud of you.
73’s Rose, KL7FQQ