You may be familiar with, but were you aware of the amateur radio forums on
Reddit was founded in 2005, and has every imaginable topic, and some topics, beyond imagination….
Reddit currently has over 542 million visitors, monthly.
about Reddit –
Here are some forums, known as sub-reddits, that you may find useful, even entertaining about Amateur Radio.
43.2 thousand subscribers
Welcome to Reddit’s own amateur (ham) radio club. If you are wondering what Amateur Radio is about, it’s basically a two way radio service where licensed operators throughout the world experiment and communicate with each other on frequencies reserved for license holders. All topics relating to the hobby are welcome here, from purchasing and building equipment, to operating techniques and activities, and everything in between.
~1200 subscribers
Software (and hardware) developers targeting amateur radio. This sub is dedicated to open software development. If you write software for amateur radio and post it on GitHub, you are part of this community. Join Us!
11.7 thousand subscribers
49 subscribers, and growing
Taking the stupidity out of /r/amateurradio, one post at a time. We focus on the technical aspects of ham radio/amateur radio, and we don’t glorify the negative aspects.