The YL International Single Side-band System (YLISSB) was founded in 1963. Despite its name, the System is open to both YLs and OMs members. The System’s credo is: “We believe in the dignity of man”. Its motto is: “Dedicated to the building of friendship among all the peoples of the earth through amateur radio, and to be of service to our fellowman”.


As the motto suggests YLISSB is a community of radio amateurs who provide support, service, and fellowship to its membership and those involved in the amateur radio hobby. The YLISSB Logo pictured above is know as the “Torch of Friendship”. It embodies the specific ideals and purposes of SSB’ers everywhere.


The System encourages and recognizes amateur radio skills development through both personal and system wide support programs. Regardless of your specific skills levels, you will find the System to be a friendly, safe, and fun place to enjoy the hobby.


Whether you came here through one of our cordial System Control Operator or another source, we are glad you are considering becoming a member. Membership allows you access our website where you will find a variety of programs, information, and support that will allow your radio interests to grow and new friendship to develop. We hope you will take advantage of this and join us. See the GUEST INFO tab above which provides more details.  73!


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